• +00 (0674) 2390938
  • ceoucbsltd.com


  • 1 A person properly introduced or known to the Bank may open an account with a sum not less than Rs. 2000/ A minimum credit balance of Rs. 2000/- should be maintained in the Account.
  • Institutions, Associations, Companies of firms can open accounts to be operated upon by duly authorized persons.
  • When an account is opened in the name of Institution, Association, Company or Firms the rules & regulations governing the same should be furnished in writing at the time of opening the account and subsequent modifications there of if any, should be intimated to the Bank from time to time.
  • Accounts may be opened in the name of two or more persons with the arrangement to either or survivor or jointly to operate thereon as mentioned in the special instructions in the specimen signature card.
    • Interest @half percent per annum or at such rate as would be decided by the management of the bank as per the directive issued there under by the R.B.I. from time to time will be allowed on monthly balances or multiples of Rs. 500/- on a minimum balance of Rs. 500/- such interest being calculated for each half year ending with 30th September and 31st March.
    • No interest will be paid to an account if such interest amounts to less than Rs. 5/- per half year.
    • No interest will be paid to on account for the half year during which it is closed.