• +00 (0674) 2390938
  • ceoucbsltd.com


  • Any person approved by the Bank may open a Recurring Deposit Account, agreeing to comply with the rules governing such Accounts.
  • A person intending to open a Recurring Deposit Account must call at the Bank and sign an application for opening such an account and declare there in that he/she has agreed to accept the rules for the conduct of Recurring Deposit Account. No entrance fee or any special charges to the Pass Book will be levied but if a pass Book be los or spoiled, the depositor will have to pay Rs 50 for the issue of a fresh Pass Book.
  • An incidental charge will be received from all account hulders who may close their accounts before the expiry of maturity
Who may open Recurring Deposit Account.
  • Recurring Deposit Account may be opened.
    • By a person in his own name or jointly with other persons payable to any one or more of them or to survivor or survivors. More than one account in the name of person singly or jointly with other may be opened. a natural
    • By a natural guardian, Le, father or mother if father is no alive on behalf of a minor or by a guardian appointed by Court. In such a case a declaration of the date the minor will have to be furnished to the Bank at the time of opening the account.
    • Accounts of minors may be opened in their names singly provided he/she has attend the age of 10 Years and can read and write.
Premature Repayment

the payment of a Recurring Deposit is demanded / required to be made. Before maturity, interest will be calculated at the following rates on the actual amount deposited on simple interest basis on monthly products.